This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it! Psalm 118:24
Monday, June 29, 2009
Tinkerin' Paper Sampler

It was my first swap and I loved it! We each made 3 cards to show and provided kits for participants, an altered item to show, and provided the paper samples for each participant.
The robot is on an 8 x 11 paper (he had to be big to use the 2-inch paper squares!).
I felt like I had survived a marathon card making evening after 4 hours, and it was so fun to play with all the new papers and learn a few techniques too.
Today I must write, write, write, as I have a July 6th deadline for a curricular piece, and it's a good thing that I LOVE Mondays! But it's so hard to stay inside on such a gorgeous day...I'm taking the laptop to the deck so I can hear the birds and feel the breeze.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Anniversary Photo Collage

I just knew that my parents' comments would be, "Oh, we don't want OUR photos on our wall..." and I also knew that I'd have to promise to switch out the photos with those of grandchildren and great-grandchildren during our next visit ... well, maybe I will, maybe I won't ...
Aren't they the cutest couple? Click the image to enlarge and to see their smiles and shining love even better.
God bless you real good, Mom and Dad!
Shadow Shot Sunday
Tracy posts beautiful shadow shots of her own and from other photographers around the world on her blog at HeyHarriet.
Take a look when you can! Then capture your own--looking for shadows opens up a whole new world. Sometimes you capture them when you least expect them!
Here are just a few of mine from this past week when my DH and I visited relatives and friends in Ohio and Michigan...What a blessing it was to be with Dad and Mom and my sister Kathy for Father's Day 2009!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
My Father's Grace

From Dad's words and actions, I grew up learning the love, forgiveness, and grace that God our heavenly Father offers to each of us.
Our Creator Father cares for you and me, and He wants us to be in a personal relationship with Him, to come to Him with our joys, sorrows, needs, and wants, to thank and praise Him, and to share His love in Christ Jesus with others.
If you know your heavenly Father and He's part of your daily life, I praise and thank God for that! If you want to know Him and all He has done for you, begin by reading the Psalms and the Book of John. Talk to Him and tell Him in your own words how you feel, what you need, your hurts and your thanksgivings. He hears our prayers and promises to answer us. It's like talking with your best friend!
God bless your relationship with your father and Father as you celebrate this Father's Day on Sunday and every day!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I'm Still Tinkerin'

I altered a CD jewel case for my dad for Father's Day, trying to create a Beetle Bug on the front, with "fun" and smiley face buttons for its wheels...use your imagination, okay?
Inside will be a CD and a playlist of some of his favorite songs.

Monday, June 15, 2009
Trio of Tinkerin' Cards

Sunday, June 14, 2009
A Two Card Night

This afternoon three friends came over to scrapbook and make cards. We enjoyed the leisurely day and our time spent together! Linda and Sandy made cards while Elizabeth worked on scrapbook pages. Here are two cards I made this evening using Unforgettable (happy birthday card) and Sweet Pea (baby card). The bird's body and its wing are stamped, cut, and popped up with foam squares.
I adapted ideas I found in the new Wishes book by Jeanette Lynton. What a fantastic resource!
I'd keep going with the paper, cutter, and glue, but my eyes say "rest!"
I thank the Lord for my dear friends and for the time He gives us to be together doing such a fun hobby, sharing our prayer requests, and uplifting one another!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Shadow Shot Sunday

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Please Pray for "Pounder"

Baby Benjamin has been hospitalized since his bone marrow transplant in mid-April, with various complications resulting.
He has such a faithful, loving family and a huge group of prayer warriors all over the world praying for his health, for his medical team, and for his miraculous healing. Thanks for being a part of his praying family & friends group. We pray in the strong name of JESUS, and expect a miracle!
The Lord delights in those who fear Him, who put their hope in His unfailing love. Psalm 147:11
Night & Day Skies

Here are shots from our deck:
I flit outside when I can between writing to transplant or weed in the gardens, watch the hummingbirds and finches, hear the blue jay squawking (she's aggravated that her nest won't stay together in the big oak tree with all the bad weather), and just to watch the images form in the clouds--a Pooh bear, a ladybug, an alligator, just to name a few today. The birds are singing (can they really take much more rain?) and the butterflies have begun to hatch and flutter around all the roses, coreopsis, and clematis blooms.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Shadow Shot Sunday
Skip over to Tracy's blog and see all the very unique Shadow Shots! Mine are boring and blahhhhhh compared to those you'll find in her weekly collages. She does a great job on the meme!
Happy new week, everyone, and thanks for looking!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Good Times Father's Day Card

Thursday, June 4, 2009
Exercising Patience with Concrete Work
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Floral Photo Cards

I like to add an appropriate Scripture verse on the left inside too, printed on a clear label with the coordinating ink color. It makes the card personal, along with a short hand-written note.
It's raining today--again! So the new concrete driveway is half finished and now on hold. Patience is a necessary virtue. Can't move mulch. Can't plant flowers. Can't pull weeds. What better kind of day to get pampered with a haircut, manicure, and pedi too? And scrap some more?
God bless YOUR day real good!