Sunday, January 31, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday

My DH and I spent Saturday afternoon at Lone Elk Park, a nature preserve for elk, deer, and bison. We had a light snowfall during the night, and the sun was bright for an afternoon drive. Finally, some sunshine! Thank You, God! It seemed even the four legged animals were happy to be in sunshine.

The day was so peaceful. The sky was brilliant blue like warm Caribbean waters. We saw herds of bison, small groups of elk, one lone elk on his high hill watching his harem, and a few deer finding grasses to eat as they soaked up the Vitamin D.

This was my favorite shot of the day. I love how the fence shadows meander and draw your eye from the front to the back of the scene. And did you notice the heart shape nature made in the snow at the base of one tree?

See more fantastic shadow shots by visiting

Happy Sunday, everyone!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Trio of Elegant Bouquet Valentine Note Cards

I used Close To My Heart Elegant Bouquet papers, Heartfelt stamps,
Tulip & Cranberry Inks, Colonial White crocheted ribbon,
Pretty Pins, Colonial White accent & brads, and Winter buttons.
I left the inside blank to write special notes.

Now I'm ready to start some Easter cards
and think "Spring!"

Monday, January 25, 2010

I Heart Faces -- Texture!

My second post today...
scroll to see a new layout using Close To My Heart products!

And now for some Texture! TaDa!
The first is SOOC
and the second is with a texture app:

Recently I found the web site I Heart Faces
and decided to enter this week's challenge: Texture!

I took this photo of my great-nephew Hunter as he pretended to be a big cat, prowling through the tall grass at Forest Park.
The grass provided beautiful texture all on its own.
Then I played with PhotoShop CS4's Sunspots Texture app
and came up with this bit of additional glow.

Now go check out I Heart Faces!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday

The afternoon shadows were long when I took this photo
of my niece and her daughter at historic Forest Park,
site of the 1904 World's Fair.

I'm longing for some sunshine!
Please, sunshine, come back, come back! And stay!

For more Shadow Shots,
visit heyharriet and you'll be blessed!

Happy weekend, everyone!

Simple Valentines

I've been making some very simple Valentines -- so simple that some use only paper and Stickease from Close To My Heart. Easy peasey!

Others incorporate a bit more including stamped art, Cuttlebug-embossed hearts, ribbons, buttons, pretty pins, Sparkles, and stamped sentiments inside.

Here is a sampling of my Valentines so far!

Now I'm craving some chocolate -- won't you join me?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Virtual March for Life

I take a stand for LIFE.
Every creation is God's special and unique creation!
Check out the Virtual March for Life here:

Will you stand for LIFE too?

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday

Run, DH, Run!
A spiney-backed dino is going to take a bite out of your feet!

After walking in a park, my DH and I rested and enjoyed the scenery from a picnic table. That's exactly the moment when this creature appeared!

We've had a very cloudy, thawing week here without shadow shot opportunities,
so I found this one to share from my summer stash.

Now check out TONS of shadow shots from shooters
around the world at Tracy's blog. Just click the link.
Good luck finding cool shadows lurking around YOU this week!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday

The lonely garden pinwheel nearly spun itself right off to Pennsylvania with the recent gusty winds from the west! As I looked out our kitchen window, I saw that it was casting its shadow, and grabbed my P&S to take the photo from inside through the glass. Not bad. Didn't feel any pain that way. Then I went to look at our deck, and saw that our icicle Christmas lights were creating twig-like shadows there in the snow. Again, a through the glass shot. Nice surprises!

We've been drinking hot chocolate, hot cider, hot Dr Pepper, hot water with lemon, hot tea, and DH includes hot coffee once in a blue moon. I switched to cold cranberry juice a few mornings ago, and found this little surprise as I was toasting my cinnamon raisin bagel. The vertical blinds at the patio door created a neat illusion of an artsy table!

Have a wonderful winter week, everyone, 
and be sure to visit heyharriet to see a variety of interesting Shadow Shots!

Pregnancy Album -- Sweet Pea Papers

These snow days are good for me -- I can sit in a cozy studio and create to my heart's content, dreaming about the gardens for Spring.

Here's my most recent paperart made with Close To My Heart Sweet Pea papers and 99% CTMH embellishments. The pink pearl is the "other."

The "My Pages Talk" recorder is on the back cover, so the parents-to-be can record baby's heartbeats at a doctor's visit, or their own love message to her.

Babies are God's signs that the world must go on ... I'm hearing a LOT of expectant baby news for 2010 and that's GREAT news!

January is "Celebrate Life" month, specifically "Life Day" on January 21. Praying for all babies, especially the unborn, everywhere, that they might enjoy life and love that their Creator intends for them!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Pregnancy Album -- Unforgettable Papers

Unforgettable papers from Close To My Heart are one of my favorite sets--the sorbet and juniper colors are so rich and the Asian-style flowers give it such a girly look for this pregnancy album. It's a special gift for a young woman due to have her first baby in early April.

The album is designed so that the couple can add their photos and journaling on the pages.

I've provided pop-dots so the couple can finish the back cover themselves. They can take the "My Pages Talk" recorder (a 30 second sound byte device) to their doctor's appointment to record the baby's heartbeat. Or if they choose, they can record their own short sweet messages for their child and attach the recorder to the back cover. Then when he or she is older, they can play the recorded message and listen together!

Sweet, huh?! I {heart} making these special gift items! Please email me at janehaaspaperart[at]gmail[dot]com if you'd like to order a custom gift for someone. A sampling of my paper art is in the left sidebar.

Thanks for looking!

A Soaring Eagle! A Renewal!

An mature bald eagle soared over our backyard, 
coming from the woodsy area behind us. 
What a glorious sight!
I didn't want to blink.
I didn't want to lose sight of him!
The privilege of seeing a bald eagle = WOW!
Especially in our own back yard!

Bless the LORD, O my soul ...
who forgives all your iniquity,
who heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit,
who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy,
who satisfies you with good
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.
Psalm 103:2-5

Seeing "Baldy" helps me look at this new year in a fresh way.
He soared. He glided. He knew he'd find food aground.
And everything he needs.
God helps us to soar and seek and glide
on the wings of His love and forgiveness.
He gives us everything we need.
Physical stuff--food, clothes, shelter, and more.
Spiritual stuff--time in His Word. Prayer time. Means of grace.
He renews us. Because of His great love for us!
Cling to that.

Happy new day!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Blessed Epiphany!

As with gladness men of old did the guiding star behold;
As with joy they hailed its light, leading onward, beaming bright;
So, most gracious Lord, may we evermore be led by Thee!

Today we celebrate "Epiphany"--the revealing of God's Son Jesus
to the non-Jewish world.
Sometime close to the time baby Jesus was one or two years old,
the magi (Gentile scientists, astronomers, & magicians) from Arabia
followed the bright star that the Old Testament prophets wrote about
and came to Bethlehem to worship the new King.
They brought their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Want to know more about God's great love for you
through His Son, Jesus?

Read more about Epiphany and God's Best Laid Plans at:
Happy and blessed Epiphany season!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday

When a plant blooms, you know it's happy in its spot!
This is "Rosemary," an herb from the collection I gave Mom for Mother's Day, blooming her little heart out this winter.
Thanks, Mom, for your great shadow shot.
With your permission, I'm sharing it with shadow shooters all over the world! (Maybe I'll get Mom hooked on the fun SS meme too.)
Happy New Year, and thanks for visiting!
Praying for sunshine here.

To see Tracy's collages of Shadow Shots,
click the link!

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Spring Idea Book

The new spring Idea Book begins TODAY!
Close To My Heart has exciting new products & beautiful new color combos!
You can view it all here:

Click on the Spring Idea Book picture -- it's so easy to shop online!

My 2010 Story in Two Pics

People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. (Anonymous wrote that just for me!)

These pictures tell my 2010 story that begins NOW:


Bye, bye, Dr P!  Hello, New Balance and Omnitron!

"New Year's Day is every one's birthday!" --Charles Lamb

Happy birthday to YOU too!