Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My Dear Friend, Wendy ...

is Unforgettable.

She lived her life to the fullest.
She was "Jesus with skin on" to others.
She was one of the best teachers ever.
She laughed. She cared. She cried. She shared.
She walked her talk.
What an example Wendy was for me and others who knew her!

Cancer invaded her body. But cancer didn't rule or consume her.
Her love for her Lord, her family, her students, and her friends gave her life reason and purpose.

She's at perfect peace with Jesus now. Last week He called her to leave this earth and be with Him. Though sad for her family to lose her in this world, I'm so happy to know and to trust the promise Jesus gives to all who believe in Him:

"I am the resurrection and the life...he who believes in Me will live, even though he dies, and whoever lives and believes in Me will never die." (John 11:25-26)  As a Christian, I trust God's promise that Jesus has prepared our heavenly home for us!

Two years ago when Wendy and her family visited us, we made cards together. She liked the Unforgettable papers and colors. I snapped this photo of her holding one of her cards. She's truly an unforgettable sister-friend.

Make Your Own Holiday Tags!

I'm a busy elf making gift tags here! It's AMAZing how easy this is with the Close To My Heart products!
Email or phone me if you have questions or want to come and make tags with me at my big table!