Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Calgon, Take Me Away ...

Ahhhh ...
It wasn't a dream. For an entire week, DH and I were in a warm place in the Caribbean with a full measure of Vitamin D.
Getting away from the Midwest winter was a very good plan. We missed snow and ice storms.
Now we're back, chilled to the bone, using our fireplaces, and relying on the warm memories.
I have LOTS of photos to scrapbook, and beautiful locations to check off my bucket list! A favorite was Georgetown, Grand Cayman Island. Clean. Fun. Colorful. Friendly. Might just have to go there again.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Buy 9, Get #10 Free

Close To My Heart's Studio J special in January is "buy 9 layouts, get the 10th free." I've been taking advantage of this and just placed my order for 20 layouts today. It's a great way to keep up with scrapbooking in a fun, easy way using the CTMH online program.

In the next 10 days, I have a feeling it'll be easy for me to create another set of 10 layouts too.

If this is a scrapbooking method that may appeal to you (especially to "catch up" with your memory books), check it out by visiting my business web site:  http://janeehaas.myctmh.com  

Click on the Studio J link in the left column and give it a try!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year and My Bucket List Too

DH and I rang in the new year at our friends' home -- and somehow we were able to stay awake to see the ball fall. That's quite a feat for us! We enjoyed a delicious meal, good wine, fun games, and lots of chatter.

I pray that your 2012 is full of God's blessings!

This past year I didn't have much time in my creative space, and I haven't posted any art for so long, but I hope that changes in the new year, 'cause I really miss getting sticky and inky!

Here are some of my favorite quotes:

Joy comes in our lives when we have something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. (Let's make that "someone to love and someone to hope for!") Remember the JOY acronym: Jesus, Others, Yourself.

How well God understands us and knows what is best for us at all times.  Ephesians 1:8 TLB

A sense of humor can help you overlook the unattractive, tolerate the unpleasant, cope with the unexpected, and smile through the unbearable.

Smile! Laugh! Enjoy the present. It's God's gift to us!

I've started a 2012 bucket list ... and yes, exercising is on it, as is reading more books, but so are some more really FUN things to do! I'll post about it soon. What's on YOUR bucket list?