Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wednesday = Progress!

In everything, give thanks! The heat of the day was very conducive to working inside in the A/C=progress in my studio!
Here's DH putting down the cherry oak laminate flooring. This afternoon we installed the white wooden baseboards. I wonder what tomorrow will bring? Another hot, humid day for sure! We have one more black countertop to install along an additional wall. It just could happen has been fun saving the "before and after" pix to see the progress.
Change is good. I can only imagine how much I'll be able to accomplish when all my work items are in one room!
Between painting and nailing baseboards, I completed layouts using CTMH's Giggles & Grins, Rustic Trails, and Summer Days--all these are getting mailed to Alabama tomorrow to help put an album together for a special young boy whose father was killed recently in Iraq.


  1. What blessings the Lord has been giving you! It has been fun seeing the progress on your room. I can't wait to see it when it is complete!

  2. A studio? Good for you! Right now, all the rooms in my house are filled with kiddies! One day.... Don't get me wrong. It's a blessing to have kids in the house. But I'd also like a studio. LOL!!


Thank you for taking the time to share your comment! I'm SO BLESSED!