Monday, September 29, 2008

A Milestone Day

See Don.
See Don smile.
See Don retired!
Happy official Retirement Day to my DH!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Remembering Maple

My parents have had a big, old maple tree in their back yard whose shade we've all enjoyed in the summer and whose golden leaves we ahhhh about each fall. It has been splitting and decaying these past few years, threatening to cause damage to a fence and a pool, so on this past Monday the tree-trimmers came to take Miss Maple down. The day before they came, I was able to get these photos of Dad and Mom under their tree and hugging it.

One of their favorite poems is "Trees" by Joyce Kilmer, appropriate for the tree page 1. And the pic of my parents walking hand-in-hand back to their house on page 2 reminded me of Robert Browning's verse that includes "the best is yet to be ..."

The CTMH papers & Stickease are Magic Moments, and embellies are all CTMH--it's so fun to scrap when everything coordinates!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Give Thanks

Give thanks in all circumstances ... 1 Thessalonians 5:18

I'm thankful for the energizing afternoon nap I fit in today. Laundry and grocery shopping will just have to wait! This morning I could hardly function. (Could I be slowing down, wanting to hibernate with these recent chilly nights?) It's way past time to call my favorite chiropractor!

I declared rest time for myself, and I'm feeling much better. Sophie enjoyed napping on her bed too. DH cleaned the truck and mowed the grass. He'll sleep well tonight.

Here's the card I made for a workshop next week. I used the CTMH Enchanted paper, and embellished it with Autumn leaves, a button, and hemp. I hope the people like it!

Hope, Rest, & Strength in the Word

Today Sophie gets a reprieve from volunteering as a TOUCH dog to spend time in the glorious Fall sunshine.

I'm feeling weary and wanting the life-merry-go-round to slow down--even STOP for a short while. When I get this heavy feeling, I know my body, mind, and soul are weary (more than just tired; in need of spiritual renewal). It's been a summer and fall of taking on some extras, and extra miles on the highways contribute to the weariness. I wouldn't trade time with family members and friends for anything. That's priceless. But this morning I knew I couldn't push myself one more step. I thought it was best to cancel Sophie's and my visit with the TOUCH teams to brighten the veterans' Thursday afternoon. We'll take a break from volunteering, and hope that we can bounce back, feeling energized and renewed soon.

Do you feel weary? Need rest and renewal? It helps me to remember these Scripture verses:

Jesus says, "Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

Even Jesus got away from the crowds of people to rest and reflect!

My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken. Psalm 62:1-2

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Happy Birthday, S-I-L!

Happy birthday to our dear son-in-law, CB! When we prayed for a caring, Christian husband for E, God gave us more than we would ever deserve. Our S-I-L is passionate about his faith, caring for his wife & daughter, and his music performance and teaching profession. He's a fantastic steel-drummer & flute player, and a true Notre Dame fan too. He's also a topnotch outdoor griller and fly fisherman (but just doesn't get enough free time to enjoy the hobbies). CB, we wish you all God's best -- you are so loved and blessed by Him. We cherish you and are so thankful that U is part of US.

Autumn Arrived with a Pumpkin Patch Cap!

Yesterday I caught 15 month old hurricane ella wearing her pumpkin patch cap crocheted by her great aunt K. It has a cute green stem and curly vines on the top (hard to see in the pic). Last year E got ee a cute chocolate velvety soft corduroy coat for fall/winter and it just fits ee now. ee is on a quilt made by her great aunt J--we have so many talented crafters in our family to be thankful for!

Another LO is in the works ... ee can now say "happy halloween!"

We visited relatives & friends in MI and OH for 9 days, and now are home with luggage to unpack. I enjoyed scrapping with my creative mom & friends in my hometown. Thanking God for the gorgeous fall weather & the leaves turning their rich golds & reds ... our drive was beautiful past the fields of beans and corn ready to be harvested. What a reminder of God's goodness to our earth!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Matthew 6:21--Treasure

Last night I finished the FaithSisters challenge with the theme "Treasure." I used the CTMH Silhouette papers & embellishments with the sepia-toned foto showing friend Connie, Mom, and me having tea together. The verse from Matthew and Luke seemed appropriate: Where your treasure is, there also will be your heart. (I used the CEV verse from Matthew.)

I treasure the time God gives us to have tea-and-talk-time as sisters in Christ!

Like the little girly pink accents?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A Happy Heart

A happy heart makes the face cheerful ... Proverbs 15:13

Today our DD-B began her sixth trimester in her doctorate program. She phoned this afternoon to tell us with an excited voice, "I LOVE my new classes! I feel like I'm finally learning things that I can use in my practice!" Her voice bubbled over with happiness. We're so thankful for all God's blessings to B, and proud of her accomplishments and her commitment to this huge endeavor.

I had the same glory-bumps today that I did when B went to Kindergarten on her very first day. I'm going to scrapbook a special "back to school" LO for her very soon. These are treasured times to remember!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Treasuring These Times

Grandparents Day is EVERY day for us with this so, so sweet child in our family ... What a treasure little ee is along with her parents.

Here are some summer photos from an afternoon playing on the deck and a day at a winery where E & C played their steel drums and sang together.

Just had to bring the Boom-Di-Ada papers back for these LOs ... I love the rich colors!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Chime In! -- September 7

The impetus for a National Grandparents Day originated with Marian McQuade (now age 91), a housewife in Fayette County, West Virginia. Her primary motivation was to champion the cause of lonely elderly in nursing homes. She also hoped to persuade grandchildren to tap the wisdom and heritage their grandparents could provide. President Jimmy Carter, in 1978, proclaimed that National Grandparents Day would be celebrated every year on the first Sunday after Labor Day.

What special memories do you have of your grandparents?

Were they/are they Christian grandparents, and if so, how did they/do they share their faith with you?

In what way(s) did/do your grandparent(s) encourage and support you?

If they are living, how do you celebrate and honor them, not just on this one day of the year, but each day?

I thank the Lord for my grandparents (who have all gone to be with Jesus). I'm glad to have rich life memories and photos, cards & letters that remind of how special each one has been, how each lived his or her faith, and how each set good examples for us all.

One stand-out memory is from my senior year in high school. My Grandma, an excellent writer, encouraged me to submit a poem for the final page of our school yearbook. My poem won the spot, and I think she was even prouder than I was! Whenever I experienced failures, she pushed me to work even harder and succeed. With the encouragement of her and my parents, I've been writing creatively my entire life and teaching others too.

Read more about the history and activities related to Grandparents Day at and find out why "forget me nots" are the flower of the day.

Post your memories and LOs of your grandparents and I will too!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Northwest Vacation Album with Rustic Trails Papers

Here are some pages of the Northwest Vacation in May/June -- I had posted these before, but just re-took photos of the album so the pages show better.

What beautiful scenery our Creator has given us! I'm so glad DH learned to use the camera to get some fantastic pix.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


My Grandma always gave me a glass of milk and graham crackers before bedtime ... ee got dry Cheerios with her milk. She eats them two-handed!

Next time we babysit, I'll remember to brush ee's hair. Or maybe not--she's definitely a little hurricane.

Thank God for these little cereal O's that keep little people's hands busy and tummies happy.

Envelope Cards with CTMH Papers

I'm excited to show my scrapping/stamping friends how to make this card and do some stamp kissing next week.

Papers are Evensong (cranberry/New England ivy/olive), Aspen (bamboo/twilight), and Perfect Day (juniper/tulip)--I think each new packet gets more beautiful than the previous papers.

I really should be on the treadmill ... but first I'd have to find it!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Pocket Cards

These were easy and fun to make on a rainy day!