Saturday, September 6, 2008

Chime In! -- September 7

The impetus for a National Grandparents Day originated with Marian McQuade (now age 91), a housewife in Fayette County, West Virginia. Her primary motivation was to champion the cause of lonely elderly in nursing homes. She also hoped to persuade grandchildren to tap the wisdom and heritage their grandparents could provide. President Jimmy Carter, in 1978, proclaimed that National Grandparents Day would be celebrated every year on the first Sunday after Labor Day.

What special memories do you have of your grandparents?

Were they/are they Christian grandparents, and if so, how did they/do they share their faith with you?

In what way(s) did/do your grandparent(s) encourage and support you?

If they are living, how do you celebrate and honor them, not just on this one day of the year, but each day?

I thank the Lord for my grandparents (who have all gone to be with Jesus). I'm glad to have rich life memories and photos, cards & letters that remind of how special each one has been, how each lived his or her faith, and how each set good examples for us all.

One stand-out memory is from my senior year in high school. My Grandma, an excellent writer, encouraged me to submit a poem for the final page of our school yearbook. My poem won the spot, and I think she was even prouder than I was! Whenever I experienced failures, she pushed me to work even harder and succeed. With the encouragement of her and my parents, I've been writing creatively my entire life and teaching others too.

Read more about the history and activities related to Grandparents Day at and find out why "forget me nots" are the flower of the day.

Post your memories and LOs of your grandparents and I will too!

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