Thursday, October 16, 2008

Little Things

We take so much for granted, especially when life is rolling along fairly smoothly.

I thank God for little things ... falling leaves, rain drops, blueberries, a nickel lower gas price, phones and email ... and for little people too ... our 16 month old granddaughter Ella, and for 8 month old Benjamin, our friends' dear grandbaby who recently had a few bone marrow matches, thank God!

Last evening Ella stayed with us while her parents played and sang at the Old Court House for a private reception.

She's fascinated with magnets, so I got out the Advent-Christmas magnets from CTA, and before her bedtime, she was saying "star," "Joseph," "Mary," and "Baby Jesus." She kissed each piece goodnight, put them on the frig, and then we read "Goodnight Moon" and "Pajama Party." We topped off the night by rocking and singing "God Is So Good" right into zzz-land.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing such a sweet evening. E is SO beautiful! oh my. And I just love that she kissed each of the magnets. God is so good. My A (almost 22 months) started to 'sing' a veggietale worship song today in the car. I thought I was going to fall over as I realized she was singing 'You are holy...". God does work through His children doesn't He?
    Blessings, Hope


Thank you for taking the time to share your comment! I'm SO BLESSED!