Monday, November 10, 2008

Show Me Your Ways

Show me Your ways, O LORD, teach me Your paths ... my hope is in You all day long. Psalm 25:4-5

The Psalm verses with which I captioned this landscape photo from a recent country drive remind us that only in God do we have hope for the future. He will show us and teach us the way He would have us walk--in His way. I like the way the rays of sunshine filter through the branches, a reminder of the rays of hope directly from the Lord.

This morning I began my day by reading Isaiah 61. I hope and trust we are in "the year of the LORD's favor" as the psalm is titled. Just as God kept all His promises to His faithful servant Abraham, we can trust Him to keep them to us too. "I will be with you always, to the end of the world," Jesus told His disciples. Let's focus on the true joy and rejoicing that is ours because of Jesus and what He has done for us on the cross (verses 10-11). Each day we can thank God for our new life in Him. Then we can ask God to show us how to tell someone that good news.

How is God showing you His way today? In what ways are you putting your hope in Him?

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