Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Reason for This Season

... is Me and You!

What? you ask!

Think about it ... we definitely needed a Savior from sin ever since Adam and Eve first disobeyed God the Father in the Garden of Eden. We know we can't save ourselves, and without Jesus, we're separated from our loving God.

Here's the good news: God kept His promise to them and to all people. "I will send a Savior. He will take away all your sins."

So wouldn't you agree that WE are the reason for this season, because of our heavenly Father's perfect and great love for us?

It's a twist on the usual saying on the cards, buttons, bags, and t-shirts. But this is why we celebrate Jesus' birthday.

This is why we remember His lowly birth, His wooden manger bed, and His eventual wooden cross where He showed His unconditional love for all people.

Say your name in place of "the world" in this Scripture verse, sometimes called The Gospel in a Nutshell: For God so loved (the world) that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

Blessed Christmas and Joyous Easter--they go together--all because we needed a Savior and God sent Jesus Christ!

Celebrate Jesus' love and forgiveness each day. God is so good.

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