Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Remembering Sweet & Sunny Sophie

Today I can write about my best "furson." But the Kleenex is close by.

Just one month ago we had to say goodbye to our sweet Lab-mix, Sophie. She had been sick about a week, and her vet took blood tests and x-rays to determine the cause--"a massive tumor on her bladder"--I hated those words--" it's inoperable."

Her eyes said it all. She may have been in pain but never showed it. But that day her constant pacing, not being able to get comfortable, and her eyes said, "I'm hurting."

We hugged her and thanked her for her loyal companionship and unconditional love, and thanked the Lord for giving us each other for 10 years. (We rescued Sophie when she was 1 year old.)

During the last 5 years of Sophie's life, she and I were a Touch Therapy Team and we visited a veterans' rehab and hospice facility. Sophie also spent 2 years listening to elementary children read in Spanish, Chinese, and English at an elementary school nearby (Paws for Reading program).

Sophie went wherever I went ... she visited people at Wal*Mart and Walgreen's, at hospitals and nursing homes when we saw our sick and recuperating friends, at neighbors' homes, and she stayed with us in homes of family and friends and in fishing cabins in many different states. Sophie helped people relax and smile when they petted her soft fur. She traveled frequently, enjoyed the "Dontoon" at the lakes, and we naturally dubbed our SUV the "DogRango."

The deer in our yard still seem to be looking for Sophie. Or do they know she's in dog heaven? They stand still in our backyard, as if they're paying respect to her, the golden girl who used to bark one soft "hello" and then watch them meander through the yard. The squirrels have been running much slower since Sophie isn't here to chase them up their trees. Shame on them for being so unafraid.

I still reach down to pet Sophie, call her name when I step into the house, and sometimes hear her toenails clicking on the hardwood floors. Last night I thought sure she was snoring softly on the floor by our bed, as she always did. It was a good memory.

Sophie laughed with her tail. We had so many nicknames for her--Sunny, Liberty, Summer, and Spinner, because when her tail was spinning, she was so happy.

My dog Sophie was a huge, constant heartbeat at my feet. She kept me safe from an intruder, and she knew when to bark and when to be quiet. She was the most perfect creature God created. It seemed she could read my mind, and knew what to expect without words. God says in the Bible that heaven will be filled with all things perfect. God is so good, and I think Sophie will be there.

{At the end of my blog page you'll find a short slideshow of Sophie.}


  1. What a touching story of your precious canine friend. You can tell she was a special dog, and know it was a blessing to include her in your ministries.

    Thank you so much for following Women to Women: Sharing Jesus. I just pray that God will be glorified, Jesus will be exalted and some will be saved as women from all over the world share their love of the Savior here.

    Would you email me...I'd like to visit with you about the possibility of being one of my upcoming guest writers on WTW.

    Enjoy you blog soooo much. It's a wonderful blend of all your passions!

  2. What a special dog Sophie was. Thanks for sharing her story!

    Sorry you were unable to locate my e-mail address. It is located in my profile. Anthow, my e-mail address is:

    Send me your address and I will send you something sometime this year...could be soon...could be later! :)


Thank you for taking the time to share your comment! I'm SO BLESSED!