Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fancy Cut Botanicals Floral Bouquet Mother's Day Card

I sure had some major mojo going last evening to accomplish this design in one studio sitting! Those three doses of caffeine I consumed did indeed help. In fact, even after a morning of babysitting, I'm still running high on those fumes.

The CTMH Fancy Cut Botanicals make creating fun & simple!

I used the same cutting pattern I had designed for the birthday card that I previously posted. I added more flowers--botanicals and also small summer paper whites--along with a stamped and cut paper butterfly, heart shaped leaves, pearls and Sparkles, Liquid Glass, and M's ribbon and CTMH sheer white ribbon.

Inks I used include Garden Green, Olive, Twilight, Heavenly Blue, and Amythest.

If you want to try this design (which I've adapted from seeing Jennifer's on a SCS's post a while back), here are my cutting directions:

Cut a 12 x 12 inch piece of cardstock to be used for the flower pot and the card's insert background into one 7 x 12 inch and one 5 x 12 inch piece.

Using the 7 x 12 inch cs, score at 5 inches and at 10 inches. Scallop punch along the 2 inch top section you'll fold down toward the front for the flower pot "lip." Then adhere the lip to the front. Fold back at the 5 inch score (the bottom of the flower pot).

Use a pencil to make small marks on the back of the flower pot 1/2 inch in from each of the top sides, and 1 inch in from each of the bottom sides to make the "wedge" shape. Use paper trimmer to cut from the top mark to the bottom mark carefully through all cs layers on each of the sides. Then adhere flower pot sides together at the widest part.

Cut remaining 5 inch piece of cs down to 4.5 inches x 7 inches for the insert background.

Cut a lighter shade of cs 4 x 5.5 inches and stamp with sentiment; then adhere to the insert background.

Cut a CTMH tag to fit your purpose (see birthday card) & stamp & distress edges. OR cut a tag cs 1.5 x 3.75 inches for your stamped sentiment (see MD card) and its background cs 1.75 x 4 inches. Punch a hole and attach using waxy flax or hemp.

Happy card-making and blessings!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Fancy Cut Botanicals Floral Bouquet Birthday Card

When I saw a "floral bouquet card" on SCS's site by Jennifer D, I knew I had to try a design of my own. Hers inspired me...but mine is definitely different in quite a few ways.

The most time consuming part was calculating the cutting for the pot and for the card sentiment pull-out insert so that I used only ONE 12 x 12 inch cardstock. I used my MS lacy border punch and wired ribbon from M's. Everything else is from CTMH. My personal note and signature will go on the back of the pull-out insert.

I decided to use the heart stamps to serve as the leaves. This card is for a lovely, nearly 92-year old friend whose birthday is coming up soon. She won't have to water or fresh-cut these flowers for them to last a while.

Maybe my second attempt will take me less time--it's that first baby original that takes the hardest push!

BTW, if you left me a kind, complimentary comment and it doesn't show up here, it's because I re-posted the photos, and then oops! everything disappeared! Oh, my! So sorry! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for looking and commenting!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Saturday's Card Workshop Rocked

... thanks to the 9 participants who came to get inky and sticky-glue-y with me yesterday afternoon! Some made 3 cards, some made 6, and one made 7! One was a very new crafter and others had varied levels of paper crafting experience. The best part was that everyone made new friends and enjoyed using the new papers, embellishments, punches, Liquid Glass, Sparkes, and ribbons.

One thing is for sure: EVERYONE just loves the MyAcrylix stamp sets and blocks! (That's what attracted me to CTMH a year ago when Mom took me to my first gathering!) My friends literally stamped their loving hearts out yesterday making cards for as many of their friends and family as possible. It's always so fun to see each individual's creativity "shine" and see how each adapts the ideas to make them her own.

Things that worked well for me: Having all the papers pre-cut; having each card's directions printed at each of the six "stations" (I'm a learning-center kind of teacher & have used this method for ages 2 through adult for the past 30 years); demonstrating a few techniques to the large group before saying, "Ready, set, create!"

Things that I'll do differently next time: NOT offer so many choices, i.e., limit the card choices to TWO (rather than six...what was I thinking?); divide the group so that the max is six people at my one big table, so I'm not running between two rooms; making sure each person listens and understands the technique directions that I teach (and bribe with M&Ms?); pair people with experience and little experience. (I'm learning by doing!)

While I was busy showing and telling and enjoying my teaching-time, Paula had the honor of taking photos of the group. I'll be sure to post a few when I receive them from her. My downlines Paula and Lori and I are working hard to get a monthly unit of scrappers started to use the great Workshops On The Go!

If you're reading my blog post and already have unit meetings and use WOTG, I'd enjoy hearing from you how your group uses the materials, how you rotate your hostess rewards, and any other details you have to share. My one-year anniversary with CTMH is coming up at the end of May, and I'm continually learning from my CTMH sisters.

I thank you all for visiting my blog, leaving your kind and helpful comments, and helping me to grow and learn!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

My Mom Is Love

Friday evening my young friend Laurie and I scrapped together--we're the Scrappin' Saints at our church and we meet every fourth Friday evening. Sometimes we have a small group of 4-6, and other times it's the two of us "serious scrappers" together. We enjoy being creative together and always leave so glad that we made the time to "just do it." Her chocolate chip cookies and delicious nut & fruit packed granola and my Fiddle Faddle provided us with the sugar we needed to accomplish quite a bit!

I'm happy to have finished the two page layout of my Mom, whose 84th birthday we celebrated in December. In the upper left corner pic, Mom is holding our granddaughter Ella -- Mom is the world's best baby-lover! In the lower right corner pic with Mom and me is friend Connie on the left. She's Mom and Dad's neighbor, and a very special "daughter" to them and "sister" to me. We three had gone to lunch together. I'm glad Connie and Mom make time to have Sunday afternoon tea-times.

Another comment I want to add about Mom is that she's truly a prayer warrior! She takes her concerns and prayers to the Lord, and wakes up every day singing or saying, "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." She tells me that verse when we talk by phone too. Mom is a great reminder to be a thankful person in all circumstances. What a positive model she has been in my life! I thank God for her and for all His gifts to her.

God-willing, we'll make the 500-mile drive safely (1000 miles roundtrip) and celebrate Mother's Day next weekend together, a week early, but EVERY day is Mother's Day, right? That's what we moms say! Now...where's to eat?

CTMH Bella papers & Stickease & the Foundry Tabs are in the new Summer Idea Book (available May 1), and My Mom Is Love letters are from the Paper Garden Stickease assortment.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Number One Dad

The Number One Dad CTMH Kit inspired me to use it for these photos of Dad ... it was difficult deciding on only 10 things I love about him!

We celebrated Dad's 87th birthday last fall ... and since he and Mom are 500 miles away from us, we treasure each visit we have with them.

I'm working backwards, with a Number One Mom layout in the works using the new Bella papers, in time for Mother's Day.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Happy Anniversary, Mom & Dad!

Jesus, lead Thou on till our rest is won; And although the way be cheerless, we will follow calm and fearless. Guide us by Thy hand to our fatherland.

If the way be drear, if the foe be near, Let not faithless fears o'ertake us; let not faith and hope forsake us; For through many a woe to our home we go.

When we seek relief from a long-felt grief, When temptations come alluring, make us patient and enduring. Show us that bright shore where we weep no more.

Jesus, lead Thou on till our rest is won. Heav'nly leader, still direct us, still support, console, protect us, Till we safely stand in our fatherland. (Text & tune: Public domain)

This was the congregational hymn sung at my parents' wedding ceremony 63 years ago today. Mom and Dad were married on Easter Sunday afternoon in a church ceremony with their family and friends present.

Dad had served as a radio communications specialist in the European Theater during World War II and returned home to begin a new job, propose to Mom and marry her, buy a small home, and begin their family life together. Mom was an RN and wrote faithfully to Dad during his war years, and then visited him in the hospital when he was shipped back to the states. She continued to work as an RN and also on the farm to help Dad.

What a devoted, Christian, caring couple Mom and Dad are! They have been wonderful examples to us kids and to everyone who knows them.
God has blessed them with 3 children, 9 grandchildren, and 11 great-grandchildren.

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad! I thank the Lord for you.

And I pray God's blessings be yours each day as you remember "the best is yet to be."

Saturday's Card Workshop

TADA -- These are the cards we'll make at this Saturday's card workshop--the Close To My Heart papers are Animal Cookies and Bella (new in the Summer catalog), Emporium, and Number One Dad.

My workshop offers 3 cards for $5. Some participants have said they want to make ALL 6 cards. I'm prepared and have everything cut so that everyone can make each card if she wishes. They can also choose to attach clear labels that have Scripture verses already printed on them for the card insides.

I've been helping Christopher, Emily, and Ella, and now I'm home for a few days to get back to messing up my studio again in real fun ways.

But first I MUST sleep...Goodnight!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Dogwoods in Bloom

It's beginning to look and feel more like Spring should look and feel! We have had a couple inches of rain these last two days.

The dogwood blooms survived and I got out this morning for some good shots. I like how the dogwood flower reminds us of Jesus' cross and His blood-stained hands (a dark spot on each petal).

These are our "Easter people" trees--reminding us of the New Life Jesus has made possible for all who believe in Him--and honoring all our family members and friends who have gone to heaven to be with Him.

Jesus lives! He lives for you and me! Alleluia!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Back to the Future

Other than blogging and keeping a personal journal, I hadn't been able to write or edit much at all these past 18 months because of a chronic dry eye problem interspersed with eye infections. Really frustrating! Restasis didn't work for me. God has helped me through two different tear duct punctal plug insertions, eight different eyedrops and steroids, four antibiotic RXs and a lot of praying and listening to Christian music -- and now I'm being careful not to abuse my eyes. So just recently, very thankfully, I've been able to get back to some creative writing for a few different purposes.

One has been for a new blogspot started by Christian friend, Diane, called Women To Women: Sharing Jesus. I pray you'll be richly blessed by visiting her blog and soaking in all the inspiration and devotional thoughts by the various writers. My devotion is called "He Walks with Me." It reflects how I feel daily about my Lord Jesus. I couldn't do or say or BE without His daily walk with me. Hop over and check out WTW soon!

Meanwhile, I'm getting my umbrella ready to jump some big puddles this morning. We've had rain for almost 36 hours already, and it's still pouring ... I'm watching for the cats and dogs.

Blessed Sabbath Day to you all!

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Exalting Christ Blog Award

My Christian sister-friend, Diane, has introduced a new blog award from her blog Women to Women:Sharing Jesus. Check out this inspirational site!

The Exalting Christ Blog Award is given to bloggers who consistently exalt the name of Christ on their blogs. What a joy to see crafters blend their passion for Christ and papercrafting. This award is given to bloggers who share Christ through their posts or through the design of their artwork. We are commanded in Scripture to be "salt and light" sharing the Good News of Jesus no matter where we are (Matthew 5:13-16). This award is just a way members of Women to Women: Sharing Jesus can say thanks for exalting Christ with us!

I've left a message for these women to grab The Exalting Christ Blog Award and post it on their blogspots:

Jess at http://scrapbookideas.wordpress.com/ -- I'm inspired by all her Christ-centered digi layouts and posts.

Creative Mish at http://michellescreativetreasures.blogspot.com/ -- I love to see her beautiful papercraft projects, photography, and read her inspirational messages.

Tina at http://sbbfaithbooking.typepad.com/ -- I enjoy her Jesus-focused messages and faithbooking tips.

Kimmy at http://macchio4family.blogspot.com/ -- Her Kids and K9s blog is full of beautiful inspirational messages and photos.

Jess, Kimmy, Tina, and Michelle, now you can snatch the award and then follow these rules to pass the award along!

* Post the blog award in a regular post on your blog with the explanation, including the original link to WTW and the rules for passing the award along.

* Name five people (more or fewer is fine!) to whom you want to offer this award and link to their blogs. The blogs need to obviously exalt Christ in some manner.

* Contact the bloggers you have named to let them know they can pick up their blog award from you.

* Invite them to permanently display the WTW blog badge and/or the award on their blogs. The badge can be obtained on the WTW site.

Jesus is risen! Alleluia! Go and tell!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Please Pray for "Pounder"

This afternoon our friends' grandson and son received his bone marrow transplant, thanks to an 18-year-old young man who was his donor! Little one-year-old "Pounder" had to go through a series of chemo treatments these past couple of weeks to prepare his body for this rescue manuever.

If you're reading my blog post, and if you're a Christian prayer warrior, pleeeze, pleeeeeeeeeeze pray that "Pounder" will experience a miraculous healing through all of this, and thank the Lord for the donor, for all the medical team members, and for "Pounder's" family who put their trust in God.

"I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord, "plans to prosper you ... plans to give you hope and a future..." Jeremiah 29:11

I'll keep you posted on "Pounder" (whose real name is Benjamin)!

Thanks in advance for your prayers.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter!

On the first Easter ever, our Lord Jesus rose from the dead, just as He had promised--claiming victory over sin, death, and the devil. All for us--to take away our sins--and to assure us a home with Him in heaven when we die.
Easter Sunday is for Christians the greatest festival day of the year, the celebration of the Resurrection of our Savior Jesus. (Easter Sunday coincides with the first Sunday following the first full moon after the Spring equinox.) The festival of Easter chimes loud Alleluias with the mood of the Spring season. While we celebrate Jesus' coming alive after three days in His tomb, we also celebrate the new life He gives us through His forgiveness.

We see new life all around us in nature--leafing and blooming trees, shrubs, and spring flowers; greening grass; birds nesting and singing; and baby animals.

We hide and hunt for Easter eggs--a symbol of new life--the plastic egg is opened for candy and other treats. An empty egg reminds us of Jesus' empty tomb.

Easter lilies appear to joyfully trumpet and proclaim "Jesus is alive!" "He is risen!" "He is risen indeed!"

Our Alleluias that had been missing during Lent are brought back into worship with grandeur and majesty for our King Jesus!

Have a blessed Easter knowing that Jesus died AND came alive again for YOU.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Fresh Air

She's gone--hopefully for good. "Flower" has left to find a new home. It took four days of spraying mixtures of bleach, garlic oil, and dried blood under our deck to get this too-friendly critter to give up and take a hike back to the woods. We've worn our winter coats for days and kept the bedwarmer cranked up at night so that we can get our house aired out and scent-free. We may be the only ones sitting in one area at church on Easter.
And no, DH refused to use the camera to get a foto of Flower. He was too busy trying to get a clear shot with another tool. No scrapbook page of this.

Monday, April 6, 2009

My First Acrylic Album

Vacation photos have been sorted by day/location on the kitchen island...the acrylic album is on the front right corner waiting to be used.

The project went from this ...
to this!

I used more CTMH Emporium papers to create an acrylic album--the greens, blues, and yellows fit perfectly with the colors of our recent western Caribbean cruise.

Rub-on sentiments and flourishes in white and chocolate, white ric rac, brown hemp, and other embellishments, all CTMH items, help make this memory album special. I worked all day on this project and am so happy to finish it. What wonderful memories of a relaxing week!

The remainder of the photos are going to go into our album--on a one-page layout and in a page of photo pockets.

As I write this post, I'm watching snow fall (groan!) ... but even worse, my poor DH is wearing his mask and trying his darndest to get a skunk to find a different warm refuge than right under our deck.

She (how do I know it's a she?) isn't a very happy camper and has sprayed a few times already -- oh, how I hope we can get rid of this stink and not smell too bad for Easter.

We may need to make a trip to Aldi's for a case of tomato juice ... I'll keep ya posted.

Easter Cards & Snowflakes

I'm excited about Easter! But NOT about the snowflakes that are falling today ... It's a good day to stay inside and create in the studio.
Emporium papers, stamps, inks, prisma glitter, and ribbon (except the wide green) are from CTMH

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Shadow Shot Sunday

Here are my shots this week for Shadow Shot Sunday with HeyHarriet.
It wasn't easy, because we've had mostly clouds and rain -- and that's okay, because the grass is emerald green and everything's blooming so pretty!