Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter!

On the first Easter ever, our Lord Jesus rose from the dead, just as He had promised--claiming victory over sin, death, and the devil. All for us--to take away our sins--and to assure us a home with Him in heaven when we die.
Easter Sunday is for Christians the greatest festival day of the year, the celebration of the Resurrection of our Savior Jesus. (Easter Sunday coincides with the first Sunday following the first full moon after the Spring equinox.) The festival of Easter chimes loud Alleluias with the mood of the Spring season. While we celebrate Jesus' coming alive after three days in His tomb, we also celebrate the new life He gives us through His forgiveness.

We see new life all around us in nature--leafing and blooming trees, shrubs, and spring flowers; greening grass; birds nesting and singing; and baby animals.

We hide and hunt for Easter eggs--a symbol of new life--the plastic egg is opened for candy and other treats. An empty egg reminds us of Jesus' empty tomb.

Easter lilies appear to joyfully trumpet and proclaim "Jesus is alive!" "He is risen!" "He is risen indeed!"

Our Alleluias that had been missing during Lent are brought back into worship with grandeur and majesty for our King Jesus!

Have a blessed Easter knowing that Jesus died AND came alive again for YOU.


  1. Hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter :)

  2. I'm so grateful for our freedom to celebrate Easter throughout our nation. What joy to go to the house of the Lord, to sing those Alleluias in chorus with the angels!

    What a beautiful heralding of the resurrection morning, Jane! As always your artful articulation captures the essence of our blessing perfectly!

    Can't wait for your devotion to appear on Women to Women. I just entered it and scheduled it to go live on Friday, April 17 in the afternoon. I know you will bless so many women...all over again! Thank you for the blessing of this post. A beautiful word picture!


Thank you for taking the time to share your comment! I'm SO BLESSED!