Thursday, June 4, 2009

Exercising Patience with Concrete Work

Monday was spent watching the workers prepare the new sidewalk area and driveway (it's huge--3 car width). Tuesday brought the concrete trucks and some fast moving concrete workers to get the job done. Our driveway is half-poured and curing nicely.

But God had other plans for the last half! A big thunderstorm came through our area Tuesday afternoon and evening. Thankfully we didn't get the high winds and hail that people north of us got. Huge trees were uprooted, roofs were blown off, and 3,000 homes are still without electricity.

Yesterday our city street crew started painting lines in front of our house and the neighbor's house. When we asked whattsup with that, we found out that they plan to replace a width of the street early next week! So glad we asked!

WHOAAA! Now the driveway project is on hold until the street work is completed. NO WAY are we going to risk having our driveway jackhammer-damaged.

We WILL be patient and trust that the job will get done well in God's time. More photos to come...maybe one showing me with my rollerblades on and taking a whirl.

A blessing from the storm=cooler and pleasant air and almost NO humidity! Thank You, God!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Jane! On hold? Well, you're right to wait - and things do happen for a reason. It will be so beautiful when it's all done!

    Thanks for your comment on my blog - I've never actually been in a hot air balloon - I'm afraid of heights! ;-)


Thank you for taking the time to share your comment! I'm SO BLESSED!