Saturday, September 19, 2009

Shadow Shot Sunday

One can stay in the dark and do very little only for so long! So, while totally bored and wearing dark shades, waiting for antibiotics to rid my eyes of this bacterial infection, I sneaked out of the house to snap these shots of shadows today--

A metal butterfly sculpture and trellis that supports a browning clematis in one of our backyard garden areas ...

and the oak trees' shadows in our shady backyard bird & wildlife sanctuary, where the sprinkler was on full blast. We're so dry here & praying for rain ... I really hate to see our next water bill. God's heavenly rain would do a much better watering job!

Skip on over to HeyHarriet to see a variety of awesome shadow shots from shooters world-wide. Then grab your camera, look for shadows, and join the fun.

Happy new week!


  1. Oooh! Great shadow shots! Really like both of them, the first one is particularly intriguing! We do have fun, don't we?



  2. Nice shots Jane! I'm sorry to hear about your eye problems. Ouch! I hope they clear up soon. I've never had 'pink eye' thankfully. Not the real deal anyway. They go a little pink from time to time from lack of sleep though. Hope the drops kick in quickly! Take care and I hope your week goes well :)

  3. Beautiful shadows! Really love the butterfly sculpture too! :)

  4. Under the tall trees
    a gathering of shadows—
    do they plot mischief?

    My Shadow Shot

  5. I was so happy to see you had posted, but that quickly faded when you mentioned you're still healing . . . gosh! I thought you would be all better now! {{{hugs}}}

    Your shadow shots have inspired me to look at things differently! On my recent trip I took a lot more photos than usual and am pretty happy with most of them. Thank you for helping me improve my photography!

  6. Hope your eyes feel MUCH better, soon! I'm with you about getting outside. After all, if you feel better, your resistance goes up. And nice photos, too.

  7. I hope your eyes are better!

    Love the shadow shots, especially the butterfly one. Your yard looks like a very relaxing place.


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