Saturday, October 31, 2009

Shadow Shot Sunday

Our week in St Louis was mostly gray and rainy,
so we had to make our own sunshine
except for a day when the sun peeked out
long enough to get these two outdoor SS.

Fall mums, leaves, and acorns decorate our deck
with spots of color and detail...

And a "ready to party" set of wine glasses.
We won't even wait till the sun comes out!

Check out more Shadow Shots here--
thanks to Tracy who keeps this fun meme going, going, going!

Have a great weekend, everyone,
and unless you're in Arizona or Hawaii,
remember to "Fall Back" late tonight--
set those clocks and change your smoke and carbon monoxide
detector batteries too!


  1. great fall colors...and the row of glasses is cool also. thanks for the reminder to everyone on the batteries!!!

    happy sss.

  2. All wonderful shadows. The mums are fading, but still more bold than the shadow. The leaves have fallen, the shadow showing a bit of life to the faded and fallen foliage. Finally, the stemware shadows are as elegant as the glass. A trio of beauties!

  3. What lovely shadow shots! I really like them all, particularly the colors in the first two, but I do have a thing for glass shadows, particularly wine glasses! Terrific!

    Enjoy your day!


  4. Happy SSS.
    I really enjoy the shadows with glass.

  5. What time is the party???? Great shots! Have fun!

  6. All very lovely! Difficult to choose a favourite! Fall is a very pretty season and you've captured that here I think.

  7. I love seeing all the fall colours! The second photo of the leaves is lovely. And I like the row of wine glasses. I'd like them even more if they were filled up and I was close by ;)

  8. lovely fall colours, and glass shadows

  9. Love the shadow of the glasses, especially!


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