Saturday, May 29, 2010

Happy Memorial Day Weekend

"Thank you" will never seem enough to say to all the military service men and women who have served and sacrificed their lives to keep our country free and the world at peace as much as possible!

Thank you to my Dad, a WWII veteran, now 88 years young, my brother Bob (VietNam and Desert Storm vet), all my uncles, cousins and nephews and extended family members who have served in the various military branches and continue to do their patriotic duty and fulfill their commitment.

Thank You, God, for bringing both Dad and Bob home from the wars, for blessing Dad with Mom for 64 years, and for our family, our circles of friendships, and for Your care, love, and protection! We pray for protection for Rocky and Brian, for Paul and John, as they serve in the National Guard, the Rangers, the Air Force, and the Navy. God bless the USA!

God is so good. I have so much for whom and for which to be thankful. I fall asleep saying my thank-You prayers, and when I wake up, I continue them!

On Monday, we'll be visiting the local cemetery, hearing the gun salute and the band's patriotic marches, and remembering all the fallen heroes. With MANY thanks!

Update: A Slideshow of the Memorial Day Parade in Rural America--

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Mama wren made a nest in the church bird house last year and again this year. A pesky squirrel keeps chewing the doorway bigger and bigger. So between the wren's nesting and raising her first family, something HAD to be done!

DH's innovative idea to limit the entrance space was to attach a part of an old credit card. Quite a natural mountain scene. She must like the view from her front porch. She keeps coming back. Her reservations are always accepted and her credit is good. We're leaving the light on for her.

Monday, May 17, 2010

we {heart} spring

This is my third post today -- please scroll to see all of them! Then leave some love in the comment box. Thanks for looking!

A visit to the botanical gardens always makes us smile.

What a beautiful world God created!

The colors in the tulips, redbud trees, and alyssum were so brilliant during our visit. We must get back there soon to see the masses of roses blooming.

Baby Gift Tags

Two precious baby girls were recently born into our extended family--thank You, God!

I wrapped some practical baby bath gifts in receiving blankets and topped each with a hand stamped tag using the Flower Child and Miracle stamp sets (a verse is stamped on the back of each tag). CTMH sheer Spring ribbon and a tiny pink safety pin helped attach the tags to the gifts.

Welcome to the big world, little cousins!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Subtle Shadows of Logan U

Shadows were long and subtle on the Fall day when I strolled Logan Univ's campus after a routine chiropractic treatment there. It's a beautiful location in the rolling hills on the edge of StL. They have a health clinic open to the public and I allow the student interns to work on my spine. They love my old spine and all its challenges!

I had hoped to get shots of the Chinese Festival at the botanical garden this weekend, but rain put a nix on that idea! If you have sunshine, please send it our way. :) We're about to launch a raft.

Now paddle over to Tracy's blog to see a variety of great Shadow Shots!
Happy new week!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Cherish and Topstitch

Cherish is one of the headings from the Close To My Heart Topstitch Stickease packet. I cherish the fact that the Easter egg is empty. Jesus is alive! He's no longer on His cross or in His cave-tomb. He lives! I cherish the time we spend with family members. Easter weekend was a beautiful time to be outdoors. Redbud and dogwood trees were at their peak. Azaleas and rhododendrons started to bloom. Easter colors were everywhere!

And I love how easy scrapbooking is with CTMH coordinated products!

After finishing these pages, I enclosed them in memory album page protectors, then added a few Flip Flaps on each page to include even more photos from our Easter afternoon and the day at Suson Farm.

I used: CTMH Topstitch paper packet Level 2, Stickease, big Tulip brads and paper clips, Liquid Glass, spring pink button, and waxy flax

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hodge Podge Layouts

"Unforgettable" papers, Stickease, and Sorbet Ribbon made this graduation layout easy and fun.

Basic black cardstock, distressed photo edges, vellum journaling section, red bling flowers from M*****l's, CTMH White Rubons and "Hodge Podge" letters give this layout a dramatic look.
Thanks for stopping by! Take a minute and leave some love.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday

The fern, wicker rocker, and pinwheel in the pansies are just a few of the pieces of eye candy on our deck. This past week was so beautiful outdoors! Because it was too windy to take the boat to the lake, I made good use of the deck and enjoyed our little bit of heaven in our own back yard and caught these simple shadows.
To see shadow shots from some awesome SS shooters, click here!

Happy new week, everyone, and Happy Mother's Day to all of you moms visiting my blog! Put your feet up and declare a day of rest.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Topstitch Mother's Day Card

Wishing a happy Mother's Day to our DD Emily -- mommy of two precious daughters. Ella and Beatrice provide delightful days for her and daddy Christopher, and their toddler and baby antics keep them in stitches! In everything, give thanks (yes, even for the tantrums and teething, but especially for the giggles and glee that the little girls bring to all our lives).

{I used CTMH's Topstitch paper packet, polka dot ribbon, spiral clips, big white brads, Blush, Chocolate, Topiary, and Sweet Leaf inks, blending pen, and stamp sets Simple Beauty (card front sentiment), Delight in Everything (flowers), and With Love (inside sentiment: Happy everything). Lots of pop-dots for the layers. I adapted the card recipe from "Keep It Secret" on p. 75 of Jeanette Lynton's card making book "Wishes." Plaid ribbon from M*****l's.}

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Cinco de Mayo Birthday Card

Happy birthday, Emily! And happy Cinqo de Mayo!
God and all His angels danced on the day you were born! Dad and I were thrilled, anxious, happy, scared, and so thankful on the day that we welcomed you into this big world.

So it's appropriate to make and send you this "dancin' Wiggles mama" card with all her glitzy jewelry and heels. (It's hard to see the sparkles on the shoes, bracelet, necklaces, and balloons but it's there, thanks to Prisma Glitter and Liquid Glass.) Gotta get it into the mail so it reaches you on your special day.

Many, many more happy birthdays to you, dear daughter! You sparkle and shine! Party hearty, safe and fun! We're glad YOU made Cinco de Mayo so extra special! We're so thankful for you and your family!

{I used the CTMH Felicity paper packet, an 8 x 3 1/2 inch folded card size from Colonial White card stock, vellum, waxy flax, Liquid Glass, & Prisma Glitter}

Caboodle Card

Heeeeeere's Caboodle! A paper packet from the Close To My Heart Spring Idea Book. Love the springy colors and patterns.

This card is for my very special & dear mom ... wish I could be with her for Mother's Day Tea. Gotta get it in the mail. I wrote my own sentiments inside. Five hundred miles are between us and when we do get together, we make the MOST of our time.

I made the tissue paper flower after seeing the Beate Johns flower on the Splitcoaststampers site. It's easy. Just cut various sizes of flower shapes. (I cut these free hand.) Pierce a hole in the center for a big brad. Use the finger ink sponge to dab a little ink color (heavenly blue here) on the layers. When dry, scrunch the tissue paper toward the brad's center until you're happy with the petals' look. I started darker on the bottom layers and lightened up as I worked toward the top layers.

I got the patchwork idea/design from a papercrafter and unfortunately didn't record her name. If you know who it is, please let me know and I'll give her the credit due!

Happy Mother's Day to ALL you moms out there! You have THE hardest job in the world. God bless you as you love and teach your children well.

Caboodle Paper Packet Level 2, Heavenly Blue Big Brad, CTMH buttons and waxy flax, Simple Stitches stamps, Sweet Leaf and Heavenly Blue CTMH ribbons, Simple Beauty Mother's Day sentiment stamp, Sorbet, Sweet Leaf and Chocolate inks. Tag from M*****l's.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Happy National Scrapbooking Day!

It's May 1st! Are you scrapbooking this weekend? Happy National Scrapbooking Day and Month of May!

The new 2010 Summer Idea Book is now available! This is one of the best Idea Books I have seen! There are so many great new papers, stamp sets, embellishments, and more! The cover of the Idea Book shows that sweet Cherry-O paper in a layout! Click here to see the Idea Book online.

CTMH consultants want to showcase some of their new paper art using the new products. Simply click here to start a blog hop to see more than 40 projects featuring all new products from the 2010 Summer Idea Book!

Enjoy! Then if you want to place an order, it's easy by shopping online. Just click here to get started!

A reminder: The "Miracle" scrapbooking kit is available while supplies last through May! (See the top picture and also this previous post.)

If you would like your own Idea Book in your hands, contact me! The cost of an Idea Book is $3.95, but it's FREE if you place an order of $40 or more through my website or by emailing me at janehaaspaperart[at]gmail[dot]com with the items you'd like. An Idea Book serves as a product catalog AND an endless resource for project ideas.
Happy May! Happy scrapping!