Sunday, May 16, 2010

Subtle Shadows of Logan U

Shadows were long and subtle on the Fall day when I strolled Logan Univ's campus after a routine chiropractic treatment there. It's a beautiful location in the rolling hills on the edge of StL. They have a health clinic open to the public and I allow the student interns to work on my spine. They love my old spine and all its challenges!

I had hoped to get shots of the Chinese Festival at the botanical garden this weekend, but rain put a nix on that idea! If you have sunshine, please send it our way. :) We're about to launch a raft.

Now paddle over to Tracy's blog to see a variety of great Shadow Shots!
Happy new week!


  1. Hi Jane! Lovely photo - sorry that the Chinese cultural garden didn't work out! I've got lots of sunshine - I'll send some to you! HUGS!

  2. P.S. from Barbara
    I was looking at last weeks shadow when I said it was my favorite kind because it was "all shadow". This weeks' is very pretty also, though. And it's fun to go on tours with other "shadow shooters".

  3. The campus grounds look lovely. I'm sorry you missed out on the festival due to rain. Phooey! I'd send you some sunshine but mine seems to have vanished today. It's now miserable and rainy here too!

    Wishing you a lovely week with big bursts of sunshine :)

  4. Oh I love shadows Jane! GREAT photo! I give you credit to let them "learn" on your spine! LOL! Thanks for stopping by... it was good to see you!!! Hope all is well with you and yours!!! Hugs!

  5. What a pretty campus - a lovely walk (when there's no rain!!) Love the circular designs in the brick being repeated. Hope there's some dry weather coming for you soon :)


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