Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! 1 John 3:1

How great that we can call our heavenly Father the endearing name "Abba Father"! He hears our prayers, knows our needs, and well provides them. He keeps ALL His promises to us. He loves us unconditionally. No one else can do that. (Well, no one other than our dogs.) And the cherry on the cupcake is that He forgives us for Jesus' sake.

Happy Father's Day 2010 to all, whether you're giving thanks for your father still with you now or for your father who now lives with Jesus in heaven. What a gift God gives us in our Christian earthly fathers! Each is but a glimpse of the perfect love and care our heavenly Father gives us.

I thank the Lord for my DH, father to our daughters and grandfather to our grandgirls. He has an amazing attribute: he forgives and forgets. That's more than amazing. It's God-given. Since he's always busy forgiving and forgetting! He also always takes his time with EVERYthing...he's a thinker and an analyzer. That comes in very handy to balance my wacky, creative traits.

I thank the Lord for my Dad, now 88 years old, and a blessing to our entire family. He keeps his sense of humor, keeps Mom very busy, and loves to chat via amateur radio with people around the world. He's the king of the house, though he lets Mom wear the queen crown and defers to her most of the time. He's a quiet, gentle giant. Everything I ever learned I caught from my Dad ... and Mom. I'll forever be learning from them both.

Have I mentioned how much I love these guys?

1 comment:

  1. You've proclaimed your love for all four of them maybe once before (or one-million?)!! Nice post Jane! How sweet to know our blessings!


Thank you for taking the time to share your comment! I'm SO BLESSED!