Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Lilacs for My Parents

June 2, 1945 was a very special day -- A handsome young US Army veteran had been discharged recently from military service after serving in the WWII European Theater. He came home to heal and to rest. And to propose on this day 65 years ago to a young registered nurse who had faithfully written letters, captured his heart, and waited for him to return.

He didn't have a flashy diamond ring to give. But he gave her his heart with a bouquet of lilacs he picked from a bush outside her nursing residence hall. God's hand was at work. His fragrance was in the air!

She said YES! They were married the next Spring.

Mom and Dad, these lilacs are for you. Happy engagement anniversary today!

I want to share these verses today. Lilacs are so fragrant! But what is more fragrant and more important than the Living Word?

Thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him.

For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing ... to the other, the fragrance of life ... 2 Corinthians 2:15, 16

(Thanks to Ciao Bella Photography for the use of this beautiful photo to illustrate my story.)


  1. That is so sweet that after so many years they still celebrate such a beautiful start to what seems a beautiful long and happy marriage.

  2. Oh, Jane !!!! How very sweet of you. Will be showing dad in the morning. YOU are SO SPECIAL to us and we thank God for both you and Don. As I've told you and many other people, marrying your dad was the BEST thing I ever did. GOD IS SO GOOD !

    I LOVE YOU dearly, and remember...GOD LOVES YOU EVEN MORE !! mom

  3. This is So sweet - incredibly sweet! You are such a wonderful person.

  4. Jane, YOU are a gigantic blessing and fill us with pure joy! Thank you for sharing your faith and your wonderful family with us! Elaine & Ron


Thank you for taking the time to share your comment! I'm SO BLESSED!