Saturday, June 26, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday

A few weeks ago I captured these sweet daughters of a friend
as we walked along the train tracks in an old French rivertown.
I love their playfulness! Sweeeeet!
The late afternoon shadows from the line of trees
helped keep us cool
on this Very. Hot. Day.
These girls really know how to dance on the rails!
And in flip-flops--something I didn't even attempt.

{No children, grownups, animals, flora or fauna
were in any danger during this photo shoot.
The RR tracks have been unused for quite a few years.}

Now dance over to Tracy's blog at heyharriet
to see many wonderful shadow shots
in her weekly collages!
Pick up your camera, watch for shadows,
and join this fun group!


  1. Ah, the young ones do know how to play and have fun! What a great shadow shot for the day! I love it! Hope your weekend is going well! Enjoy!


  2. The shadow cuts into the light as it falls on the ground and over the subjects. However their smiles are greater than the changing light conditions - the shadow is not sen amongst such beauty!.

  3. What sweet girls, and your summer shadows are great.

    Looks like it was a hot day

  4. It's a beautiful photo of the girls that you've captured! I'm guessing that the trains don't run along those tracks anymore? Or rarely? Hefty fines are given to people who walk along rail tracks where I am. Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend jane :)

  5. You have really captured the exuberance of youth here :-)

  6. What a fun for them on the rails! Such sweet girls. Great shadow shot.

  7. a nice photo of the girls. But.....not a good place for a stroll I would think.

  8. Ahhh, but to live again and view the world through the untainted innocence of youth...

  9. Hey Jane! So glad you stopped by! Love the blog's new look :)
    THis picture is really darling dancing on the railroad tracks in flip flops....
    sounds like a wonderfully fun time!!
    Have a super week this week!!


Thank you for taking the time to share your comment! I'm SO BLESSED!