Thursday, July 8, 2010

In the Garden

These are just a few of the flowers and tomatoes struggling to survive our Midwest summer heat.

This morning we got five minutes of light rain -- a "dry drizzle" as my mom describes it. The gardens and yards in St Louis desperately need the water from heaven. Despite the rivers being way out of their banks, we're in a drought.

And so are my eyes. My chronic dry eye syndrome has been compounded these past couple of weeks with a viral conjunctivitis. Seems it started with the sore throat and swollen glands during VBS week. During the holiday weekend, I had to get help at Urgent Care Center with both eyes swollen closed.

The prednisone causes me to be super wired. Every closet is cleaned! The counteracting Benadryl for the hot, itching rash causes me to be in a fog and sleep more than usual. So I take it only before bedtime. My friends and family don't want to be anywhere near me and I don't blame them! Yesterday the doctor declared me non-contagious. Now I hope to be on the upswing. I miss seeing the grandgirls!

My mind wants to accomplish so much. I miss paper crafting and being at the lake with the family.

But my eyes and rest of my body just need to heal. And so does DH's body. Yesterday he had to begin meds for phlebitis in his leg. Thankfully this new clot is superficial.

We may have ripe grape tomatoes in a week. They're coming along with these hot, sunny days. A friend started these plants from seeds. It's so fun to watch them grow and produce. I'm so glad we have the gardens to enjoy, and so thankful this kind of dumb stuff is temporary!


  1. Beautiful photos.
    Lifting some prayers that you will be feeling completely well in the very near future!

  2. So glad to hear that you are on the mend. I am so thankful for your comments. Thank you for always having such a kind and encouraging word to say. You are a blessing! Love your flowers. Joyful!

  3. Oh Jane! I'm keeping you in my prayers - I had no idea you were suffering with your eyes again.

    Your flowers are so beautiful - I just love your photography!! I'm glad you are not contagious and can return to your sweet family - that will help speed your recovery.



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