Sunday, September 19, 2010

Harvest Home Circle Card

It's almost Fall! And close to a full moon too. Weird things happen about this time. We're beginning to wonder if our house is a lightning magnet. It's the THIRD time now for our property to be struck.

We had a terrific thunderstorm go through last night. Along with almost 3 inches of rain in flash flooding, a bold of lightning hit our largest oak tree in the front yard. The trunk is damaged, but we hope to save it with a tree doctor's advice. Did I ever JUMP! See Jane. See Jane jump!

This morning we discovered none of our yard lights work, the garage door opener is fried, and our surround sound system is a gonner. Two circuit breakers were hit. The good thing is that our roof DOESN'T leak! Thank You, Lord.

I had just finished this "Harvest Home" card before turning everything off and heading to bed.

Tomorrow looks like it'll be a good Dontooning day at the lake after a call to our insurance company.

We're grateFUL.

I used:
Olivia paper packet, Harvest Home stamps, itty bitty brads, Autumn Terracotta & Garden Green inks, blending pen, circle card & envelope, chocolate ink for distressing edges


  1. Wow...what an exciting life Jane leads : ) Sounds like quite a storm. Hope everything is up and running soon.
    Your writing/journaling makes me smile!
    And of course...beautiful, beautiful card!

  2. You have the best attitude! I hope I could be as calm and able to see the blessings in the situation. I rather doubt it!

    I will say that I'm thankful you weren't hurt. The tree could have fallen on the house, the electrical failures could have started a fire . . . so all in all, it's manageable.

    Your circle card is so pretty!

  3. So thankful you are all safe! God is good! Hugs to you my friend!


Thank you for taking the time to share your comment! I'm SO BLESSED!