Friday, March 25, 2011

Hope and Help for Japan

Jeanette Lynton, CEO of Close To My Heart, wrote this on her blog and I thought it was worth sharing:

"We've all been reeling with the images of tragedy and devastation in Japan. If you're looking for an easy, real, practical way to help relief efforts, then I invite you to contact your Close To My Heart Consultant!

Typically, our A-sized (stamp) sets retail for $7.95 (U.S.)/$8.95 (Canada), but the "Hope for Japan" set will be available through April 30 for just $5--and Close To My Heart will be donating 100% of the profits to the American Red Cross to benefit relief efforts in Japan.

If we all do a little, together we can do a lot. Let's show our support and together, provide real HOPE for Japan!"

Most of us can't begin to imagine what the people in Japan are enduring. We can continue our prayers for them!

If you're reading this post and would like to place an order, simply email me: janehaas7[at]gmail[dot]com! Thank you!

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