Sunday, September 30, 2012

CTMH St Louis Regional Celebration 2012

Let the creative fun begin!

 Aimee shared terrific tips for using the Cricut and Art Philosophy and Artiste Collections!
Brian & Kristine answer business questions.
 Kristine explains the photopolymer MyAcrylix process.
Monica reminds us to prioritize -- and shared the love from CEO Jeanette Lynton.

Corporate Paper Art Samples and Those Provided by Attending Artists:

Making New Friends with Paper, Inks, and Stamps!

One of the Winning Contest Entries

My Upline, Deb Butler, of the Scrapping Buckeye Babes,
with the award for the TOP Team Sales!

St. Louis IMO's Pizza treat

A shot of about 1/4 of the group in the room full of creative juices!

Close To My Heart
St Louis Regional Celebration 2012
was a fun, creative time with a huge group of paper crafters
from 20 different states!
I'm glad I got to attend
and will always remember the special moments
and all the wonderful people who were so welcoming and willing to share their ideas.


  1. Jane! Hi, it's me, Amie from Mimi, Myself, and I! I made it over to your blog and cannot believe you have a post up about St. Louis already. You go, girl! I also was so happy to see that your upline, Deb, is the consultant I met who knew my Grandmother and family in Ohio!!! That was such a wonderful surprise for me to find there. I really cannot believe how special all of my memories of this regional will be. I am truly blessed to have met you and so many friendly consultants. Have a great week! God bless!

  2. Amie, thanks for your comment! My eyes worsened and I didn't get back to blogging for a month now. It was great to meet you and now we have Deb in common too! She's awesome! Maybe I would know your grandmother too ... I grew up just a few miles from Deb and moved to Missouri after DH & I were married. God's blessings to you!

  3. Love the pictures! Great memories...I have not posted pictures or finished my projects yet.


Thank you for taking the time to share your comment! I'm SO BLESSED!