Thursday, June 11, 2009

Night & Day Skies

We've had an absolutely CRAZY few months of weather here in the Midwest. Now we seem to be in a monsoon season, with rain every day for what seems to be more than a month now. When the sun comes out, everything steams -- you can almost hear the sizzlin' sounds and we don't have anything on the grill. It's the cold rain hitting the hot roofs--a great science lesson!

Here are shots from our deck:

1. Last evening's thunderclouds in the sky right before the downpour let loose...we got another 2 inches of rain; others got 4-5 inches around us with much flash flooding and uprooting of trees; others got golf ball size hail.

2.Our blue skies are gathering more thunderclouds now, and four more days of this storm system are predicted.

I flit outside when I can between writing to transplant or weed in the gardens, watch the hummingbirds and finches, hear the blue jay squawking (she's aggravated that her nest won't stay together in the big oak tree with all the bad weather), and just to watch the images form in the clouds--a Pooh bear, a ladybug, an alligator, just to name a few today. The birds are singing (can they really take much more rain?) and the butterflies have begun to hatch and flutter around all the roses, coreopsis, and clematis blooms.
I love spring -- it's my favorite time of year. I pray that you are staying safe from the bad weather funnel clouds and hail, and enjoying God's beautiful season where you are!

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