Thursday, June 11, 2009

Please Pray for "Pounder"

If you're visiting my blog and seeing this post, and if you're a Christian who believes in our loving Great Physician Jesus, would you please stop and say a prayer for "Pounder," the one year old grandson of our friends?

Baby Benjamin has been hospitalized since his bone marrow transplant in mid-April, with various complications resulting.

He has such a faithful, loving family and a huge group of prayer warriors all over the world praying for his health, for his medical team, and for his miraculous healing. Thanks for being a part of his praying family & friends group. We pray in the strong name of JESUS, and expect a miracle!

The Lord delights in those who fear Him, who put their hope in His unfailing love. Psalm 147:11


  1. Oh, yes, I will pray for Pounder! What a sweetie!

  2. I'm going to add Pounder to my daily prayer list. Will be lifting him and his family up.

  3. Jane,

    Of course I'll join the prayers for Benjamin, his family, friends, and the medical team. It's always frightening when it such a young soul - and what a precious smile this boy has! Thank you for asking!

  4. Praying for the little one! Keep us posted.


Thank you for taking the time to share your comment! I'm SO BLESSED!