Saturday, August 22, 2009

Shadow Shot Sunday

My DH and I spent some time walking and shooting photos at a nearby sculpture park this weekend. It was a wonderful break from painting our kitchen! Here are some of our favorites.

Be sure to hop over to Tracy's blog and view the shadow shots she arranges into unique collages each week. It's a fascinating collection of perspectives of people from all over the world. It's fun looking for shadows, and it's even more fun seeing them in your photos when you least expect them! Give it a try!

Glad you visited my blog! Please take time to leave a comment. Enjoy your weekend!


  1. beautiful shots. So nice to see people spending time together that doesn't involve car or motorcycle parts. Seems like that is all my DH and I do these days. Trying to keep vehicles on the road.

  2. Love that picture of you & your's! The eyeball is such a looks just like the new bath fizzys we got in for halloween....toooo funny!

  3. It is so rare that you sign into a blog and find your back yard looking back at you.

    I new from the first photo that this was Lauerier Sculptor Park and that you were not only a fellow Missourian but someone almost next door.

    So great to find your blog. I have about half a dozen from our area that I now follow. You can count on me to be lurking from now on. Heck I may even comment every now and again.

    If you are interested in the others around email me and I will give you the list. My addy is on my profile page.

    Hope that you will check in with my post on occasion as well.

    And welcome to Shadow Shot Sunday. Have a good one.

  4. What a fun set of shadows! The next to the last one is my favorite. I enjoyed seeing all the sculptures, too.

    Thanks for stopping by at mine, and for joining my Follow list!

  5. great selection...sculptures always seem such a rich source..

  6. I like the shadow with two persons...Great shot.

  7. Looks both had a wonderful day. YOur shadows tell me that you had a very sunny day.

    That's the reason I see them so crispy, clean and very artistic.


  8. Faascinating shots (though the eye ball gave me the creeps!) My favourite is of the two of you -ahhhhh, sweet :-)

  9. Dark shadows appear
    when you least expect them, their
    presence foreboding.

    My Shadow Shots

  10. that looks like a lovely sculpture park, ideal place for catching some shadows...

  11. WOW - LOVE your shadow shots! I was trying to remember two in particular when I got to the one with your shadows - framed. I exclaimed out loud! (and promptly forgot the others! - no not really) I do love the triangles . . . your project with shadow shots has me looking at photos differently! Thank you for that!

  12. The eyeball is definitely my favorite.

  13. The sculptures are amazingly varied! Definitely a welcomed change from painting a kitchen, ;-)

  14. Lovely shots and that giant eyeball is great!

  15. Nice shadow shots! The eye, the monster, oh, my! I don't think I can choose a favorite as the others grabbed me too!

  16. Fantastic shadows. Especially those tall figures on the grass. That eye ball's kind of spooky. :)

  17. Nice shadow shots but the next to the last is my favorite. The eyeball is kinda spooky, though. BTW, thanks for your visit.

  18. Beautiful set of shadows everywhere, I particularly like the funny eyeball shadow, it made me laugh :P Have a great week ahead.

  19. some great shadows and I love the eyeball


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