Friday, August 21, 2009

Wiper Card Remake & Fresh Paint

Edit on Friday afternoon while taking a painting break:

Here's my second remake of the wiper card. (Scroll down for the early morning remake & I still didn't like it!)

I need to go into a 12 Step Program for Recovering Perfectionists. Here's the card & I promise no more remakes of it!

Back to finishing the kitchen now. I LOVE to paint. Will post more kitchen photos later! ~J.

Friday morning:
I just didn't like the bad punching job I did on that first wiper card, so I decided to use the same punch but only on the side edges. I know the next attempt will be better looking still!

We have wonderful painting weather with low humidity and temperatures in the 70s--is this really August in the Midwest?!

DH and I painted the walls in our country kitchen yesterday and hope to finish today. It's 26 x 20 feet and can hold a crowd! It's guaranteed that by the time we finish the second coat of paint, we'll need deep massages.

Here's the "before" with the all-white walls by the pantry (borrrrring!) and a test patch of green ...

... and now the antique verde (kinda Tuscan) green we chose. The new cabinets and counter tops will have to wait. I'm just so happy with the freshly-painted, updated look!

My next honey-do on the list is to paint the oak baseboards a clean, bright white. Maybe next week ...

Happy weekend!


  1. Great job on the remake. I hadn't noticed anything wrong with the first one until you pointed it out. My whole house needs painting. We have been here 10 years and it still has the original paint on 22 year old walls. yuk.

  2. You're so kind, Leslie--thanks! I LOVE to paint (when I can have windows open)'s something about that finished product feeling, much like making a layout or card that's so rewarding!

  3. I LOVE the green walls! How RICH! I need to see if I can figure out what a wiper card is . . . must scroll down to prior entries I think!


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